Friday, May 1, 2015

2015 - The Year of Me

This year is going to be the year of me. The last couple years have honestly been a little tough. Last year my father in law passed away, my husband lost his job and I was miserable at work. This year I plan to make a change.

In January I started a new job, and there are no words to describe how happy it makes me. I come home and my husband has even said to me that I seem happier. I'm making new friends, utilizing my strengths and blowing away my new boss.

It came at a price, 3.5 months of training. Now that it's all over though I'm taking my focus to myself again and working towards a better me. I feel mentally healthy and I want my body to be physically healthy.

A couple years ago I lost over 50 lbs, it was amazing. I felt great, could run 5k with no problem, and squat like 80lbs. DAMN!

Last year though, with the death of my father-in-law my husband and I slipped into old habbits and I gained most of it back.

It's a bummer, but I'm not going to let me hold me down. I'm starting May 1 with a new attitude and better choices. I lost that weight by eating right and exercising. No fancy pill, no expensive program, just good choices and hitting the gym.

So this is the start of my journey and I'm going to blog as I go along.

My Plan

Growing up in the 80's and 90's, when food was starting to become a fast food convenience, I have the habit of not thinking about what I'm putting into my body. So the main part of my eating plan is making conscious decisions of what I'm doing.

A few of my healthy habits have stuck around. I go for fresh fruit and veg versus canned or frozen. I've cut out a lot of things I can't pronounce, and nitrates. Take a look at your labels, if you don't know what it is or why it's there, don't eat it.

My portions have moved back into unreasonable sizes. Eating until I'm stuffed rather than full. So we have to nip that in the bud!

Also using that gym membership I have. Yes it's cheap, and easy to not notice paying every month, but I need to start going again, AT LEAST twice a week, moving up to 4 or 5 times a week. I know from past plans that making outrageous goals off the bat only leads to failure and disappointment.

So wish me luck with that, it's not a crazy plan, but it's mine.

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